Sunday, November 29, 2015


Well it's official, we are in full IVF swing!  Everything started feeling VERY real when Bryan and I went to our last appointment in STL.

Before I get into the appointment, let's back up.  Months ago, we bought tickets for the Bears game in St. Louis.  We both put in for personal days on the Monday after so we could stay the night on Sunday and make a little getaway out of it.  So when I found out we had three different appointments that needed to be done that same week, I decided to book them all on our day off, the day after the game.  I know it stinks to take a personal day to do not so fun stuff, but that's just the way it needed to be done. Of course most of us try to save those personal days for more exciting things like shopping or something equally important.  lol

Here we are at the game.  The Bears won, and we had such a great time!

We woke up Monday to the most disgusting rain storms and drove to Chesterfield for the first appointment.  I was very anxious for the day, hadn't slept well thinking about it, and hoped our whole day wouldn't be this gloomy. I had to meet Dr. Pineda for the first time.  He is the obgyn that is assisting with the IVF.  Dr. Pineda had to examine me and he also wanted to talk with Bryan and I.  Dr. Pineda gave lots of details about how exactly the procedure works, and our odds of having a successful procedure with a "take home baby."  I think we both left that appointment feeling quite optimistic.  I really liked Dr. Pineda, and thought he sounded like we have a good chance of having great luck with this IVF round. 

From there we both had to get our blood taken.  This was quick and painless routine blood work to check for infectious diseases, etc. Then we had a a good chunk of time to kill before we had to have our injections course, so we went out to eat and did a little shopping.  There was pretty much only a Goodwill close, so that's where we shopped.  I was super pumped to snag some snazzy Christmas sweaters there! 

Next up was the injections course.  This is what I had been dreading for days.  I had lost sleep over it, in fact.  I hate that I can't remember the nurse's name who helped us, because I really loved her and she was so patient and kind to us.  Anyway, we discussed the types of medications I would be taking, and where each will need to be done.  Three of the injections are SQ, so I'm getting those in the belly. One is IM so it will be done in the butt.  She showed us how to measure out and administer the shots.  Bryan and I both had several practices with a little dummy like piece of something.  It was a piece of cake! (giving the shot, not the dummy utensil).   Then the nurse said, "Now it's your turn to give one to yourself." Immediately I had serious tears.  I think all of my anxiety about IVF, our appointments, shots, everything was let out in that very moment.  I'm sure it really took the nurse by surprise, poor lady!  I know I even surprised myself.  Bryan, however, is used to my overemotional self, and so he probably wasn't as shocked.  Later he said, "You started crying like they were taking you to a torture chamber or something." LOL    I don't think I was so afraid of the shot, but the fact that I had to give it to myself.  The tears were about the whole IVF process, not just about this one silly saline injection.  I was a little nervous about how hard/easy/fast/slow to put in the syringe.  I was in shock, once again, that we were actually at this point of using medications and complicated procedures to have a baby.  I knew that once these shots started that there was no turning back.  And so there I sat sobbing.  Looking back, it is really quite funny.  I know Bryan wanted to say, "What in the world are you crying for?!" But he didn't.  He sat there in the most supportive way, patiently waiting for my unexpected meltdown to end.    So I finally dried up the tears and gave myself the injection, and it was so easy and painless! Then Bryan had to give me one too, and he was quite a pro! 

That day I fell in love with Bryan even more.  I say all the time that he is such a realistic person, that occasionally it almost feels negative to me.  I'm an overly optimistic person, and so it's really great that we even each other out like that.  Sometimes though, it's frustrating to me when he doesn't get pumped up or worked up in a way that I do, or when he thinks I'm over exaggerating.  But this day was different.  He was excited too, and was so very patient with my tears and just me being emotional in general.  Bryan knew how anxious I was about the day, and was extremely supportive and (surprisingly) optimistic! It was such a wonderful end to our weekend!

The next day or two I was just so happy and excited to get started!  I was counting down the days until I could give myself a shot! I even let myself start thinking and talking about baby stuff.  I haven't allowed myself to dream of actual baby things in a long time, and so it has been fun to think about a nursery or baby names! This is when things started feeling so real and exciting!  

So then last week I received my box of meds.  I sorted through all it, and had it all ready to start injections on November 21st.  Here's my box of goodies!

November 21st came very quickly!  I set my alarm for 5:30 a.m. to do my first injection.  I have to do it at the same time everyday, so I chose early in the morning because I know Bryan will most always be home at that time, unless he has to go in to work early.  I really wanted him there to talk me through the first ones, and double check that I was doing it right. So I survived the first injection! It took some deep breaths, but I did it!  I really thought I was going to have to have a nurse or Bryan do it for me, but I did it all by myself!  Here I am at my first 5:30 a.m. injections selfie! And here's my first shot! :) Ignore the rough hair and lack of makeup, people! It wasn't even light out yet!

So I've been doing injections for 9 days now, and going strong!  For now, it's just once a day, but this weekend we start 3 injections each day.  We will see if my tummy can hold out!  
So far I just have one little bruise!  

I'll be honest, the side effects off all this medicine haven't been horrible, but I definitely have some changes.  I was on birth control pills for three weeks.  Those made me extremely nauseous, and so I am very thankful for being off of them!  
Although none of these side effects are constant or extreme, here's what I have going on :  
1. moody - (this is the biggie)  grouchy,cry, repeat.   
2. tired - like I want to go to bed at 7:00 tired and want to take a nap too
3. hot - I'm usually very cold but I have been very hot for the last week! One day I counted down until the kids went to library so I could strip down to my tank top and open the windows! haha
4. bloated/crampy - self explanatory and quite annoying! 
I think I'm starting to get used to the medicine now and have feeling more like my normal self everyday.  (besides the bloating).   And now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder if it's Thanksgiving bloat or medicine bloat.  I'll blame it on both for now! :)  

Thanks so much for all your love and support! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I did! :)

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for you and Bryan as you face this journey together!
