Monday, December 14, 2015

PUSH the Trigger!

First of all, I'm sorry to have kept everyone in the dark for awhile! We have certainly had busy schedules here! Eric is playing high school basketball and Kailey is cheering for the junior high team. So we are traveling somewhere almost every night to watch a ballgame.  On top of that, there's everything that goes along with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. And of course we go to work... and... OH YEAH, IVF everything!!

All of my injections have been easy peasy! I did one shot each day for awhile, and then moved up to three each day.  My poor belly is quite bruised and most definitely bloated!  Once the injections started, so did the regular monitoring appointments in St. Louis.

Time out for a little anatomy lesson: If you don't know, follicles are sacs that produce hormones and produce eggs.  

In short, the goal of all of the medicines I've been taking is to make a lot of big, strong follicles.  So at these appointments they have been looking at my hormone levels and checking my follicle size and count to make sure the medicines are doing their jobs.

Well, they've done just that!  Everything is growing very nicely. For those who care to know, as of today they counted 37 follicles (that's a TON).  15 of these are a big enough size, or mature enough, to possibly retrieve.  My girl, Mindy, told me that this is great news!  So today she told me to take my trigger shot!  The trigger, or HCG, shot gets all the eggs ready to be retrieved.  (It also does many other things that are very time consuming and confusing to explain lol)

The most amazing thing to me about this medication is the precise timing of this particular injection.   Everything will be ready for the egg retrieval exactly 36 hours after this trigger shot is given.  So I gave it to myself at 9:15 this evening, which means my egg retrieval is at 9:15 on Wednesday morning.  After that we have to wait to hear when the transfer will be, but don't worry I'll let you know when it happens! ;)

As of now, I have no worries about the retrieval day!  I feel nothing but pure excitement! On the big day I will be under anesthesia.  The procedure takes around 45 minutes, and then I will be in recovery for a couple of hours.   But then I'll get to come home later in the day. I welcome and appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers on this special day.  

Oh my goodness, I just can't believe it's right around the corner!!! WOOHOO!!!

Coming soon: updates on retrieval and transfer and stories of my adventures to the hospital.

Thanks again for all your love and support!